On 14 May 2022, from 9.00 to 17.30, in Modena, at Teatro Storchi, ATER Fondazione hosted a day of debate and sharing of best practice on accessibility in the world of theatrical live performance with an international conference and an open panel discussion.

Our morning speakers:
Host: Orsola Patrizia Ghedini, President of ATER Fondazione
Welcome greetings:
- Andrea Bortolamasi
City Councillor for Culture, Municipality of Modena
- Giuliano Barbolini
President of ERT – Emilia Romagna Theatre Foundation – National Theatre
- Juan Pablo Martín,”Producciones Audiosigno S.L.” (Spain): Accessibility devices for visually and hearing impaired audiences for theatrical live performances, movies and digital events. A perspective from the Region of Extremadura in Spain (dowload the presentation here)
- Alison Carminke, Project Manager, University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom): “Relaxed” theatrical live performances: a good practice from UK (download the presentation here)
- Nuno Santos,Director for Inclusivity at São Luiz Theatre, Lisbon (Portugal): Inclusive theatre in Portugal: accessibility and inclusivity
- Jelena Martinovič, Project Manager “Plavo Pozorište – theatre laboratory”, Belgrade (Serbia): Inclusive theatre in Serbia: current situation and future challenges
- Vassilis Oikonomou, Artistic Director “THE.AMA – Theatro Atomon me Anapiria”, Athens (Greece): The Director’s perspective to Inclusive and Accessible Theatre
- Valeria Illuminati,PhD at University of Bologna, Main coordinator for audio-description services “Centro Diego Fabbri”, Forlì (Italy): Inclusivity and live performance: “Teatro no limits” project (download the presentation here)

Our afternoon panelists:
Host: Paolo De Lorenzi, Director of “Centro Diego Fabbri”, Forlì
- Gianni Cottafavi, Manager of Cultural Services and Youth Policies, Regional Department of Culture and Landscape, Emilia-Romagna Region
- Luigi Mazza , Manager of Social and Health Services for Disabled People, Directorate General for Welfare and Healthcare, Emilia-Romagna Region
- Pasquale Vita, Main Coordinator, ATER Fondazione Theatre Network
- Carolina Cangini, GeDIE (Diversity management: equity and inclusivity)
- Consuelo Agnesi, Architect, CERPA Italia Onlus
- Ivonne Donegani, Psychiatrist, Main Coordinator “Arte e Salute Mentale” project